Wyoming Wildfire
Risk Assessment Portal
Understand. Plan. Act.
Understand. Plan. Act.
Throughout Wyoming, the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is growing rapidly into densely packed forests with increasing fuel loads and hazardous conditions. This situation significantly increases the potential for catastrophic wildland fires across the state.
The Wyoming Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (WYWRAP) delivers a web-based application designed to provide immediate, on-line access to Wyoming calibrated West Wide Wildfire Assessment data to help communities, fire departments, emergency planners, and land management agencies collectively prepare for and be resilient to wildfires by facilitating effective, efficient, and consistent data and information exchange.
This allows for an enhanced public awareness of wildfire and helps to build capacity for planning efforts and develop fuels treatment priorities at all levels. WYWRAP provides information designed to reduce the potential for catastrophic wildland fires through educating the public and assisting decision makers to make informed choices regarding wildfire hazards, ecosystem enhancement, and public safety.
West Wide Wildfire Assessment data was developed to cover the seventeen Western States. WYWRAP was specifically designed from the larger set of data for use in Wyoming. The Oregon Department of Forestry completed the final report for this assessment on behalf of the Council of Western State Foresters with funding from the USDA Forest Service.